251 Internal assessment new.pdf

We strictly follow the academic calendar circulated by the Department of Higher Education Naya Raipur; it contains the number of teaching days, internal evaluation and examination dates etc. Our institution was affiliated to Atal Bihari Vajpayee University Bilaspur now since 2021 we have been affiliated with Saheed Nand Kumar Patel University Raigarh. There is a standard process of internal examination in the college. According to the academic calendar, a student has to appear in 4-unit test and 2-terminal examinations, out of seven internal examinations. The schedule of the internal examination is decided at the beginning of the session, in the form of academic calendar. According to the academic calendar, a teacher have to take unit test, which may be in the form of written test, black-board presentation, power-point presentation, quiz on subject or by other method, which the subject teacher decides. The marks of unit test are shown in the classrooms and each student can ask about its performance. They can observe their test copies. Record of obtained mark is written in register. If there is any difference or discrepancy in their marks, it can immediately be corrected. The test copy of unit test and quarterly test is shown to students for their observation. Some teachers analyses the solution and method of solving the paper in the class-rooms, especially in mathematics. Further, the test copy of one student is allowed to interchange for observation to other student, at the time of distribution of the answer-sheet in the class rooms. The concerning subject teacher keeps the record of all internal exams, e.g., unit-test, quarterly exams and model exams, if it is not secret in the university level. The mark of model examination is sent to the university, as it is a secret data. Its marks are not shown to students. The 10% internal mark of each paper in the model examination is sent.

Similarly, the black-board presentation or the power point presentation is done by students in their PG level. A student has to present his answer among other students. This method releases shyness of a student and develop the self confidence in him. This method is very useful for personality development of student also. After showing the PPT to students, the copy of the student is kept in the internal-examination section. One may observe the marks and copy in the same session. However, this mark’s does not increase student’s academic marks in the Annual examination. In PG classes, a student has to attend the internal examination compulsorily. Its marks are sent to the university to add in the semester mark-sheet.

Apart from traditional methods of evaluation of a student’s performance, we the teachers of the college employ other methods for evaluation. From the month of August unit tests starts in all the departments and the college follows the calendar for internal exams throughout the year. There is an internal assessment cell to coordinate the Tests and exams. The teacher is given the relaxation to make the test possible with the individuality of the completion of his/her unit in the class.