232 IC tools.pdf

Teachers use ICT enabled tools for effective teaching-learning process. Use of ICT helps in teaching and learning. ICT helps teachers to interact with students. It helps in effectiveness of classroom. It is a tool for teaching and learning itself, the medium through which teachers can teach and learners can learn. It appears in many different forms.

Learning Management System (LMS) & E – Learning Resources

1. Information & Communications Technology (ICT) enabled teaching methodologies are being ued by some faculty members in their class rooms.

2. The use of multimedia teaching aids like, LCD projectors, classrooms with computer/laptops systems are occasionally used by some teachers in their classrooms.

3. Seminar hall is equipped with multimedia facilities using computer set and 1 OHP, 2 LCD projectors. Invited talks are conducted in both the seminar halls using ICT facilities.

4. Guest lectures are organized using ICT facilities.

5. Social media whatsapp group are also made. In this group the needed study material is sent and also the querries are responded with the constant supply of the various topic materials in pdf, you tube videos and also other material. The notes, old questiopaper, Lecture video etc. are also provided to learners.

6. If any problem or exercise is unsolved, then it is put in this media. Teacher search the solution and sent it to student. Especially the teaching of English, Hindi and Commerce departments used the teaching ofvarious topics with the help of ICT.

7. All the departments also use the ICT for teaching. The college activity is sent to each other, as photo, message and information. This method helps student to join-up with the college. Any information of University regarding him is also sent to student with thehelp of these whats app group.